Why I Don't Have Health Insurance

Many of you have expressed interest in my thoughts on health insurance and specifically why I don't have health insurance I'm feeling in the mood to talk to you about it and would like to preface it with saying that I really encourage everybody to do what feels best for them and I'm going to share about why this is what feels best for me rather simply put I don't have health insurance because I don't want health insurance and I don't feel like it adds value to my life really just not on my radar be honest with you it feels like this for an idea that doesn't have anything to do with my life or what I'm doing I don't really put energy into thinking about the worst case scenario. I love thinking about the best-case scenario the best-case scenario for my life is that I'm super healthy and always pursuing health in a very active way when I like to live my best case scenario so that's what I'm doing I used to be really sick and at the time I w...