Insurance & Investment for the SHTF Prepper
Insurance product here you know if you click on my advertisers but I I don't control what what what I do want to say is that you need to you already are not look at perhaps not like a waste of money or a waste of time but consider it consider it as buying insurance and investing now let's do it and talk about how we normally think of normal weight when we talk about insurance we talk about insurance we have to have car insurance now nobody likes paying the premiums but if you get it you are happy to have its insurance money you spend the you get no benefit until you have to have or have to need it
And then your damn happy to have so what you get is peace of mind out of insurance life insurance in case you die you have a lot of insurance in case you get in an accident or someone slams and here are you get insurance for your eyes for your health in general the dentist all types of insurances unemployment insurance which you end up paying out of your wages or salary those get paid by you so that in case you become unemployed you get some money and always lose their jobs and people keep their jobs for decades and they still pay into it but they have the peace of mind knowing what they are buying insurance for is going to help them one at a time when we talk about investment two types of investments you can make which means putting your money in place so that it doesn't lose value if things go bad and it doesn't make a lot of games is always the value so gold is a great example of it never really goes up or down and then there's the type investments we make sure we wanna see a return not only do we get our money back for what we paid but we get some added benefit to it added value had it so when I talk to people about making a threatening as a form of insurance and a form of investment.
And I don't talk to many people personally I do maybe once every couple months I described it this way upwards of hundreds of dollars a month for insurance and most of the you'll never see you know quarters on the dollar investments and insurance is designed to make the insurance company wealthy not designed to make you is designed to give you some peace of mind and some coverage at benefit that happens you're well taking here so you can look at for shit hits the fan as a form of catastrophic insurance because it really be there in a catastrophe and you will not you know you will only use it as insurance unless something really bad happens but you can bet your life that if you didn't have it would be here life so when you talk to people this is my recommendation is collapsing the government's ox asteroids coming alien invasion can russians wanna run over is now they think we can do it you know those are reasons history facts and that doesn't appeal to everyone's way of thinking but for a lot of folks out there if they if they fall into that category of people who think insurance then help yourself and feel better about what you doing based on insurance and it's not money that's being spent on Wall Street Chicago IL layers and the insurance you buy a prepper you control and that is a beautiful thing about money keeping your assets backyard literally in his insurance it is insurance for you or your group whatever size you hear its insurance get insurance you're going to eat in insurance you have a level of protection ensure your survey form of insurance already spending hundreds of dollars on its never gonna see great performance never gonna see all social security is supposed to ensure the you have money when you get to your place so eighty percent of everyone died before they could even trying to collect at some insurance scheme to looking at spending money on prepping items you get peace of mind we talked about increasing the value of what you're doing there's a lot of items within prepping world when you think about medical supplies food are not only ahead but they actually have a value as an investment to two years tops will now dry food for survival armageddon food for the apocalypse last 25 years.
And is a sound investment not only in trapping but in value for your dollar because the cost of living increase is is there percentage points were talking three to five eight percent increase in food cars year-to-year whether we like it or not that happens but the cost of living increase that most of us is based on the social security the government index which is down 2% and what you get on your return for investment option for inflation rate we see it anywhere from two to four percent annual so you can actually break even with your head or you can look at it as an investment that pays back there are a lot of really good freeze-dried supplies you can buy you can actually live out of the month to month and eat very well the store and again I'm not selling any one company's product but I do know he's very good 2using you know it is a good investment 1short-term and long-term another item holds a lot of people think about it 2this way in some people I'm one of the more I buy because it's going to but I 2sometimes fire excellent investment if you buy premium you're going to see an 1increase in there's something idk they go up and down in value market market 4exercise market activity in a politician out there shooting their lives off of 8gun control price goes up supply goes down really fast 4other weapons remain consistent over those are going to continue to go up in 1time so if you look at the supplies 7potential disasters and look at him as a form of insurance look at it as a form 7of investment worst-case scenario for me I lose my job I've got no problem eating 6right that's $500 a month 2regular bill that's a form of insurance against buffer and and when she is 6pretty damn she and I like knowing of mind that's one less thing in life 6insurance I hardly ever see anything :13 9I look at my shit it's the fans applies not only do I see a form of insurance 7all I not only do it as a former save my life 5sold or consumed and eating anyways this is important it's it's it's good for us 1to think about right now we're going into shenanigans economy continue along 0with multi modern day trip we all see it as a reason 7so that you'd think about it for yourself when you explain it to your 6spouse well as they begin about helping people sharing really using relationship 8we have to continue insurance we need to think about this I can only see 1independent individual philosophically as being eyes his country 1that's why do you think you'll have a good chance favors
And is a sound investment not only in trapping but in value for your dollar because the cost of living increase is is there percentage points were talking three to five eight percent increase in food cars year-to-year whether we like it or not that happens but the cost of living increase that most of us is based on the social security the government index which is down 2% and what you get on your return for investment option for inflation rate we see it anywhere from two to four percent annual so you can actually break even with your head or you can look at it as an investment that pays back there are a lot of really good freeze-dried supplies you can buy you can actually live out of the month to month and eat very well the store and again I'm not selling any one company's product but I do know he's very good 2using you know it is a good investment 1short-term and long-term another item holds a lot of people think about it 2this way in some people I'm one of the more I buy because it's going to but I 2sometimes fire excellent investment if you buy premium you're going to see an 1increase in there's something idk they go up and down in value market market 4exercise market activity in a politician out there shooting their lives off of 8gun control price goes up supply goes down really fast 4other weapons remain consistent over those are going to continue to go up in 1time so if you look at the supplies 7potential disasters and look at him as a form of insurance look at it as a form 7of investment worst-case scenario for me I lose my job I've got no problem eating 6right that's $500 a month 2regular bill that's a form of insurance against buffer and and when she is 6pretty damn she and I like knowing of mind that's one less thing in life 6insurance I hardly ever see anything :13 9I look at my shit it's the fans applies not only do I see a form of insurance 7all I not only do it as a former save my life 5sold or consumed and eating anyways this is important it's it's it's good for us 1to think about right now we're going into shenanigans economy continue along 0with multi modern day trip we all see it as a reason 7so that you'd think about it for yourself when you explain it to your 6spouse well as they begin about helping people sharing really using relationship 8we have to continue insurance we need to think about this I can only see 1independent individual philosophically as being eyes his country 1that's why do you think you'll have a good chance favors
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